Lunch box ideas are very close to my heart. Lunch boxes can become so mundane and well, the same, day in, day out and we can get stuck in a kind of “lunch box rut”. This is where we come in!
We’re here to help you put the FUN back into packed lunches, be it for you, your kids, your partner, whether at home, at work, or out and about, travelling solo or with others, for picnics, or just lunch-on-the-go. In these tough times, we’re all about being fashionably frugal too!
We’ve combined the blog, the website and the 365 lunch box ideas all onto the one website Lunchbox World making it super easy for you to navigate your way around: we have lunchbox ideas, lunch box reviews, tips, hints, recipe ideas and lots more all on the topic of lunch boxes!
… so when it comes to lunch boxes, you know where to come! That’s why we came up with the name Lunchbox World because this really is the world of lunch boxes!
Please do save us as one of your favourites.
If you’re keen to share your favourite recipe, do please post it on the Lunchbox World facebook page, or email us at hello {at} lunchboxworld {dot} co {dot} uk. Make sure you send a photo too!
We’ve even set up a growing community on facebook called “Let’s pack lunch!” So let’s have some fun and make packing lunch fun again!
The Lunch Box Lady x