Do you have kids starting school? Do you want help? Are you looking for what to pack in a lunch box? This year you want to get the lunch box packing right? Then read on…
Welcome back to Lunchbox World!
Today I am sharing a brand new series we started over on YouTube this week – first video link is below… with our top tips for packing lunch boxes. Yes, this is for all you parents with kids starting nursery or school now!
It can be an anxious time and maybe even more so with these covid times. But as parents our kids pick up on our emotions so if we are upset we need to try and hide it and give our kids the confidence in starting school.
It is an exciting time for them. They are starting a new chapter in their lives. Maybe the first step from being at home 24/7. It is a big deal but it is exciting as well. So with all the chatter on social media, I felt compelled to reach out and offer you what helped me and some of the lessons that took me years to learn!
If you are starting out packing lunch boxes and have little ones starting school or nursery, this is a great video to get you started thinking around the lunch box topic and not overwhelming yourself.
There is a new video every Wednesday morning to help you with your lunch packing journey. And remember it is a journey. No one is expecting you to get it right from the get go. And remember the kid’s appetites and likes and dislikes will change, just as inevitable as the seasons! It is almost as if they want to keep us on our toes sometimes! But remember it can be “just another phase”… so hang on in there!
I really hope you find this useful as I used all these ideas and learnt them along the way with my 3 kids that are now in their teens, some at Uni already.
Let me know if there are specific areas you need more help or ideas or suggestions to help you on your way.
We also have a mini lunch box series, where I am constantly on the look out for new mini lunch ideas, for little people with little appetites so there is a constant flow of new lunch box ideas for you.
I try and think outside of the box or lunch box 😉
I really hope you find these starting school lunch box tips helpful. Comment below and let us know what is your biggest challenge when it comes to packing lunch boxes! Here to help you! And it could be the topic for the next video or blog post!
Until next time!
Keep having fun packing those lunch boxes!
The Lunchbox lady x
PS don’t forget to grab the FREEBIE here to help kick start you with a week’s worth of lunch box ideas!!
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