Want to share your packed lunch or lunch box idea with us?
Simply take a photo of your lunch or sandwich, and tweet me the photo @lunchboxworld
Or post the photo on the Lunchbox World facebook page
Or email us the photo hello [at] lunchboxworld.co.uk
Or pin it on pinterest here… http://pinterest.com/lunchboxworld/share-your-lunch-with-lunchbox-world/
Or pop it on Instagram @lunchboxworld with hashtag #lunchboxworld
Let us know, what’s in your lunch, your twitter ID and where in the world you are!
Please let us know if you DON’T want us to reveal your twitter ID.
Can’t wait to see what you’re having for lunch…
The Lunch Box Lady x
Please note: only send in images that are your own. Any image that is in bad taste or causing offence will be removed