We recently caught up with Darren McGrady, former Royal Chef to learn how the Jubilee Celebration Sandwich came about and to learn some of the Queen’s favourite sandwich flavours – just in time for the Diamond Jubilee.
With the Diamond Jubilee almost upon us, we had the opportunity to ask the former Royal Chef, Darren McGrady some key questions about his latest Jubilee Celebration Sandwich idea, fit for the Queen. At the same time, we also were able to glean a little insight into the Queen’s favourite sandwich flavours…
Q How did the Royal sandwich come about?
A I wanted to create a sandwich that was unique and used ingredients available from the Queen’s garden. People can order the venison from Balmoral Estates, the apple juice from Sandringham House orchards. You can’t get more authentic than that.
Q Are there any substitutes to the Jubilee Celebration sandwich if our readers don’t have all the ingredients?
A the ingredients listed make the sandwich unique. You are using the same venison the Queen eats at her own dining table. However, not everyone wants to go online. All the ingredients can be sourced from all the major supermarkets or good local specialist shops.
Q Is there a peasant’s version / humble version?
A It can still be enjoyed if you substitute the two most expensive ingredients – venison and guinea fowl. You can substitute the venison for pork fillet and the guinea fowl for chicken breast. If you don’t have gin and Dubonnet, then add more apple juice in its place.
Q So what would you say are the Queen’s top five favourite sandwiches from your time working there?
A Jam pennies are not the most technical sandwich (bread and jam, cut into a circle the size of an old English penny). But it’s the sandwich that the Queen was served for afternoon tea as a little girl in the Royal nursery (hence the old English penny reference) and still eats today.
Cucumber is another popular sandwich, with cream cheese and mint – the cucumber has to be peeled and no seeds of course.
Smoked salmon – especially if it came from the River Dee at Balmoral, with dill butter.
Finely grated cheddar cheese with blended branston pickle.
English York ham and English mustard.
Thanks so much for your time in answering these questions and giving us a little insight into the Queen’s favourite sandwiches this special year 2012.
We’ll be making up these sandwiches and putting them to the taste test… so watch this space.
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