If you have a fussy eater in your house, you’ll be keen to learn all about our lunch box tips for fussy eaters. So here we go…
1 Make the Lunch Box Look Appealing
If it doesn’t look colourful and appetising to you, it most likely won’t to them. So they are less likely to tuck in… So think colour – carrots, red pepper, apples, cucumber
2 Make it Easy To Eat
Kids often have just 10-15 minutes to eat their packed lunch at school, before they are encouraged to play outside. So make it easy for them to eat, have things bite size, finger food – all easy to eat.
Compartment lunch boxes are an idea…
3 Get Them to Help Prepare Their Lunch Box
They’re more likely to eat their packed lunch if they’ve helped make it. So encourage them to help out with the preparation – dependant on age, of course. Make it fun!
4 Get Them To Tell You Their Favourites
Try and use their favourites as a basis, then keep the lunch box balanced. Encourage them to tell you what are their favourities. You will probably work out what their favourite lunch ideas are as you will see whether the lunch boxes come home empty or barely eaten. See here for healthy lunch box tips
See here for a lunch box menu planner
5 Variety is Key!
We all like variety, otherwise we get bored, so keep the lunch box varied. See our quick lunch box ideas for some quick inspiration. Or check out our recipe section
6 Keep The Lunch Box and Lunch Bag Smelling Fresh
Smell is such a powerful sense. If the lunch bag starts to smell, it’s the first thing they’ll notice, even just sub-consciously. To keep it fresh, wipe out each evening, and leave to air overnight. Pop in fresh parsley sprig to keep the lunch bag neutralised
7 How’s the Lunch Bag Kit Looking?
If it’s starting to look a bit tired, perhaps some new kit is needed? You can grab some great lunch box gear now which’ll add to the excitement around lunch time! Click here to visit our shop. It is after all a little bit of home they’re taking with them – whatever their age
8 Lunch box Preparation and Planning is Key!
A little thought goes a long way… Try and think /plan the week ahead, so you’ve the fresh ingredients in for their lunch boxes. Remember tinned food and fruit are great staples too, and can be kept in your cupboard for those busy days … Here’s a lunch box menu planner to help get you started
9 Keep The Lunch Box Safe
Whatever the time of year, whether winter or summer, it’s key to keep their lunch safe. What do I mean by this? It is important to keep the food safe, ie not too hot so it can go off or deteriorate before lunch time. Whether you pop in an ice pack, freeze a carton of juice/water or yoghurt tube overnight, it’ll ensure their lunch is still safe and looking good, and appetising by lunch time. See more safe lunch box tips here
10 Keep Them Hydrated and Concentrating Hard Until the End of the Day
We are like a car, in as much as we need fuel. We’d never think of running out of petrol, and it’s the same with our bodies. We just don’t have the fuel guage unfortunately! We need fuel – water and nutrients to keep those concentration levels up. Check out our nutrition section for more ideas. After all, there is nothing worse than picking up a bad tempered child with food rage at home time!