Hello hello! YES! We’ve a NEW! mini lunch box series helping you get ready for Back to School! Read on…
Welcome to you all – both familiar faces and new faces! Glad you hopped on over to check us out!
In case you’ve been away, we have started our mini lunch box series over on the Lunchbox World YouTube channel, as we get ready for Back to School!
It can be a nerve racking time getting ready for back to school, so that’s where we come in! We are checking out all the supermarkets, hunting down fun things to pop in a lunch box, whatever their age! I mean, food should be fun right?
Mini lunch box series helping you get ready for Back to School!
In case you’ve missed the lunch box videos so far, I will put the playlist below and embed all the videos as well, so you can check them all out too!
But what I really want to know is what is your biggest worry about the start of back at school? How can we help some more? Comment below so we can help!
Mini healthy snack ideas for back to school:
Quick and easy mini cheese scones:
Mini tortilla quiches ideal for back to school and picnics:
As we can’t really go anywhere this year, we have been searching the online supermarkets and also popping in to the local stores to check out what’s new and there has been a load of new mini things!! So we decided that anything we find, we either share in our YouTube videos as they fit in, or we share on our instagram account @lunchboxworld, or do both if we are really excited about it!!
So if you want us to be your eyes and ears and just another avenue for lunch box inspiration, then do be sure to follow us on both YouTube and instagram as we are regularly sharing! To keep it simple, we are lunchboxworld everywhere so it is easy to find us and easy to remember!
We now post every Wednesday 630am UK time on YouTube so there is always something new that is lunch box related to give you fresh ideas mid-week, ready for the following week! They are great all year round and it doesn’t matter if it is during term time, the holidays or the weekends, we still need to eat!
What is your biggest challenge when packing the lunch box?
So one final request I have, if you have read this far, is to ask, what is your biggest issue when it comes to packing lunches? Be honest. What do you hate the most about the lunch box – is it packing them, is it thinking up the ideas, is it the washing up? What is the biggest issues for you?
Please comment below and we will try and help tackle any issues that we can help with!
In the meantime let’s hope this weather clears up soon! They were promising a heat wave and I was longing to head out on a picnic laden with bunting, balloons, cushions and rugs… Hamper is at the ready but I suppose we will just have to wait until the clouds clear…
Until next time, keep having fun packing those lunches!
And check out the round up of lunch box gear we have found too! Always here to help you put the FUN back into packed lunches!
Until next time…
The Lunchbox Ladyx
PS Don’t forget to grab your FREEBIE here! A week’s worth of lunch box ideas sent straight to your inbox!
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