There is a growing trend in the UK. Often called “lunch-on-the-go” but now evolving into a smaller slot of “eating al desko”.
Even our kids are falling into this trap in school, and I don’t just mean secondary schools. This “grab and run” culture is taking a firm hold of the nation.
We wrote about it here and put forward our best “eating al desko” tips for that Working Lunch box Survival Kit, mainly aimed at adults.
But the thing is, not only is this trend continuing amongst adults, it is even spilling over and affecting children too, and in our local primary school!
With no designated place for kids to eat away from their desk. No kitchen for school dinners to be prepared or served. No option other than a packed lunch at the desk, what are we to do?
Is this right?
The School Food Plan is being revisited by the government with the aim of improving school dinners and I was lucky enough to attend the meeting. However the growing issue encompasses more than just healthier school dinners. It is the whole eating culture…
I digress. In the short term, we need to keep it healthy!
Healthy Eating Al Desko!
Now just because we need it fast, this doesn’t mean it has to be an unhealthy option and above all, let’s make sure it’s FUN!
This week we stumbled across Alpro who are currently running a FUN #deskfest over on their facebook page and website with competition prizes up for grabs!
And being as we eat with our eyes, and desire all things colourful, here’s one of our favourites posted up so far…
Thanks to Naomi Mundhenke’s entry in #deskfest @Alpro_UK |
So think of healthy colourful food when you next grab that lunch and eat al desko!
Now not all of us can take our best crockery into work, so for lunch box kit, hop over to our online shop…
The Lunch box Lady x
PS This post is totally independent of @Alpro_UK and all opinions are our own.
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