Yikes what have I done? (gulps nervously)
The challenge has now been accepted. It is to write a blog post every day in the month of November…
Well, we took part in the Wordcount Blogathon back in May, and managed 29 posts that month, so the Lunchbox World team thought, yeah, why not, let’s give it a whirl…. How hard can it be?
So here goes.
We’ve signed up to the blog roll. Now the tricky bit.
The first post.
The big question : Why blog and why write? That is the prompt for yesterday, I guess to get us started.
For me, blogging is fun, you get things off your chest, record things (events, crazy moments, anecdotes, newsy stuff) in real time (each blog post is dated, so it kind of stands still in time), it acts as a kind of book mark, blogging allows you to get creative and well, gives you a chance to just chat…
So over to you, if you blog, why do you do it? And one more thing, if you are blogging, you’d better sign up fast as the blog roll closes 5 November 2011… so hurry on over here
The Lunchbox World Team x
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