Now we have found a number of sharks lunch boxes for all those ocean lovers out there, and they can be for boys and girls…
We’ve the metal tin lunch boxes
Shark Tin Lunch Box |
or the soft insulated lunch bags
Shark Insulated Lunch Bag |
Then of course, we have the matching drinking bottles, made of stainless steel
Shark Stainless Steel Drinking Bottle |
and these cute little tins, which can hold sandwiches or well, anything really…
Shark Small Tin Lunch Box |
and the sandwich lunch boxes for a bit of FUN too!
Now for the shark sandwich. Could we find one to go with our theme?
Thanks to Mark over at Funky Lunch, he’s come up with this FUN and not-a-bit-scary shark sandwich idea…
Funky Lunch Shark Sandwich |
So what FUN thing would you say starts with S in your Lunch Box A-Z?
We love hearing from you and appreciate every single comment!
The Lunchbox World Team x
In case you missed a post in this series, here’s the Lunch Box A-Z so far:
Lunch Box A-Z – A for Angry Birds
Lunch Box A-Z – B for Bottles and Bottle Slingers
Lunch Box A-Z – C for Chic!
Lunch Box A-Z – D for Dart Frog, Dinosaurs and Deer
Lunch Box A-Z – E for Elephants
Lunch Box A-Z – F for Fish, Frogs and FUN!
Lunch Box A-Z – G for Gorgeous Green Gadgets
Lunch Box A-Z – H for Hippie Hearts
Lunch Box A-Z – I for Ice Essentials and Insanewiches
Lunch Box A-Z – J For Jazzy Lunch Gear
Lunch Box A-Z – K For Kit Bags
Lunch Box A-Z – L For LEGO
Lunch Box A-Z – M For Men
Lunch Box A-Z – N For Navigate, New!
Lunch Box A-Z – O For Owls
Lunch Box A-Z – P For Penguins and Pirates
Lunch Box A-Z – Q For Quick Lunch Box Ideas
Lunch Box A-Z – R For Retro Lunch Boxes
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