The School Food plan is a new government initiative, to address school dinners, packed lunches and is led by Leon Restaurant partners, John Vincent and Henry Dimbleby. So what do you think of the New School Food Plan – good or bad?
In case you missed this, Dimbleby and Vincent, Co-founders of Leon Restaurant, a fast food chain in London, have been commissioned to assist the government in their plans for the future of school meals across the UK. They also recently suggested that lunch boxes should in fact be banned in school and preference given to school dinners… To read more, check out the Telegraph article.
My question is: Who said lunch boxes can’t be healthy? Surely it is a question of helping educate and give options, suggestions as to how to pack a healthy lunch?
Jamie Oliver has helped shape the future of school dinners, but more is still to be done. Being Founder of Lunchbox World, we feel we should all have choice when it comes to our children and what lunch they have, whether it is a packed lunch or school dinner.
In our local schools, there is no option of a school dinner as no kitchens exist that could actually provide the service.
The new government initiative, the School Food Plan has been rolling out a series of events, involvement meetings across the nation. The last one was held in London, and naturally, Lunchbox World got involved to ensure the voice of lunch packers is heard.
There is still time if you do have any burning comments or issues you want raising, do tweet @lunchboxworld, or comment on the Lunchbox World Facebook page. We will raise as many of your comments as we can! Banning lunchboxes in school is sure to be a bad thing? We need to work on our “eating culture” in the UK across all ages!
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