So who said lunchboxes can’t be stylish? The humble lunchbox has been getting so much press lately. I feel a rant coming on but I will carefully craft that blog post later. For now, I just want to show you all that there are some really stylish lunch bags out there, that will put an end…
Built NY Spicy Relish Lunch Totes NEW! in Lunchbox World Shop
An exciting Monday! An exciting start to the week! I don’t know if you are familiar with Built NY but these are the FAB washable lunch bags from the USA! Designed to be fun, with their zany designs, but at the same time, hugely practical.Well, excitement was buzzing around the office this morning, as after a…
New Lunch bag stock just arrived at Lunchbox World Shop!
Hi again! Yet another exciting week at Lunchbox Towers! We have new lunch bag designs that have just arrived and are available to purchase now in the Lunchbox World Shop To give you the key highlights: We have some brand new Stephen Joseph designs – monkey girl, dinosaur and transportation in the kids lunchbox range!…