I have not, dare I say it, cooked any chinese for years. Whether it can be blamed on the kids, I don’t know, but the wok has been hidden away in the dark depths of the cupboard, gathering dust… I recall many an evening as a young up-and-coming exec rustling up a stir fry in moments after a long hard pressurised day at the office… But that is not a recent memory…It was not until I attended the Central Street Cookery School for the Amoy Event, the launch of the brand new Special Selection Soy Sauce, that I remembered again, quite how good chinese cookery could be. Thanks to the passionately energetic teacher for the day, Hannah Hayes of China Feast, we spent an afternoon cooking up five dishes.
Following demo’s in quick succession, to replicating same dishes ourselves, to writing notes and taking photos, the challenge was simply to keep up! The pressure increased and the complexity of the dishes with it, as the day progressed.
For me, it simply demonstrates what can be done, if you put your mind to it. So much is down to smell and learning at what point to add the next ingredient or move on to the next stage. It is also having the right ingredients and techniques. On reflection, very little equipment is required really. Just a good wok and great ingredients!
Top Tips For Chinese Cookery
The key tips I came away with from the day are:
Egg Fried Rice is simple, quick and really tasty. Plus the kids all love it!
For guaranteed success when making Egg Fried Rice, just make sure you have a clean sturdy food plastic bag to firstly crush up the raw egg, then make sure every grain of cooked rice is coated before adding to the wok.
No need to wait for the frozen peas to defrost, simply put peas into a mug of boiled water and leave for a few moments, whilst stir frying other ingredients. They’ll be de-frosted in a jiffy!
The importance of the way you cut your meat dictates how tender it will be. What I mean by this, is with chicken or white meat, you MUST cut the meat with the grain. Then cut across the grain if you need the meat in cubes. But the key thing is to cut the breast of chicken lengthways first.
With red meat, however you cut AGAINST the grain, ie across the grain first, then cube up.
It is amazing the difference that tip has made. I no longer have to sit at the dinner table, waiting for the kids to chew their meat endlessly. Suddenly they have found a new found love for meat, “It’s so tender!” they tell me! And that is just in the way you cut the meat up!
If you watch this quick video Hannah explains further!
Creating a marinade for meat is really quick and easy and it is all a mindset really. It’s all about trying out new dishes, new flavours and exposing the kids to different things. You just have to plan the meal and go for it! It’s so easy to stick to recipes that one knows and has done many a time. But you know, it’s good to experiment and try out new things too. And my kids are definitely of an age where they’re receptive to new textures, flavours and tastes…
At Lunchbox World, we are always looking out for more ways with lunchboxes, and what better dish to pop in a lunch box than a chicken skewer on a bed of egg fried rice.
Just be sure to pop in an icepack to keep the lunch safe and chilled until lunchtime.
I have since become a master chef of egg fried rice and these delicious soy honey and mustard chicken skewers are just perfect on a BBQ. Only King Julien likes to pick off the mustard seeds before biting off the skewer!
So you see, Chinese Cooking is quite amazing! We have already been cooking up lots of chinese since this event. So one definite converted family!
I was also lucky to meet the following foodie loving bloggers :
Best and Beyond
The View From the Table
Gannet and Parrot
Utterly Scrummy
Domestic Goddesque
so hop on over and see what they thought of the Amoy Event!
The Lunchbox Lady x
Disclaimer: I was invited to attend the Amoy press event, which I thoroughly enjoyed and was hugely informative. However all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Domestic Goddesque says
😀 that video makes me look like I paid no attention to proceedings at all. #lesigh
The View From The Table says
Brilliant! Great post. It was such a good day 🙂
Chloe says
Great post, really succinct and well written. I have tried to comment on your site a few times but have had a bug in my browser preventing me from commenting on Blogger sites. Most unfriendly! Have reset Firefox defaults so fingers crossed problem is fixed now.
Jac says
Jac says
Great fun, great post – you've really captured the day and I too will never cut across the grain! Funny, I've been told my rice dishes are so much better after the Masterclass.
Caroline Job says
It was just so frantically busy wasn't it! I don't look much better – catching up, eating egg fried rice whilst looking extremely puzzled over what's happening next! x
Caroline Job says
thanks it was such FUN! Have you done much chinese cooking since? I keep doing the chicken skewers as the kids love them and they are so quick and easy, and we all love the egg fried rice too. Me and my baby wok are best friends!
Caroline Job says
oh no, I hope it's not this blog as I do so want folks to comment back! Hope you managed to do your back-up ok? Saw you tweeting about it! Was great to be partnered up with you! Hope to see you again soon! x
Caroline Job says
me too! And the tip about the meat really does work! It's amazing isn't it! I do make a mean stir fry now! No stopping me! Guess what's on the menu tonight? Stir fry! This weekend? BBQ using chicken skewers and marinade! x