Creating 10 easy lunch ideas for kids is the topic today. We know how tough it is coming up with a new lunch idea day in day out for your kids, whatever the day of the year. We’ve still got to eat. We’ve received lots and lots of requests for new lunch ideas for kids during these tough times. Now we are in lockdown this issue seems even bigger and I hear you.
We even struggle some days to come up with fresh ideas. With my teen kids I’ve seen breakfast morph into late brunch or lunch morph into early tea as the days seem to blur into one. But we are here to help!
Now before you say, we are in lockdown, we can’t easily get those cutters or those items, I am here to reassure you. You don’t need fancy cutters to make these lunches ideas. You need a sharp knife and a glass or mug that is perfectly round to make the round shape or it could be a cereal bowl if you want a larger circle.
We’ve tried to put these together as our top 10 quick and easy lunch ideas for kids. So think creatively about what shapes you have in the kitchen cupboards: it could be a glass, bowl, mug, cup, or for bigger bodies, look at a small salad bowl or cereal bowl. Have a look and see what you do have.
So what ingredients do I need?
bread – brown and white slices
butter or some spread
cheese or ham for the filling
food coloured red: red pepper or tomato
food coloured orange : orange pepper, carrot or orange chocolate drops
raisins, currants, chocolate drops or chocolate smarties
1 banana to create slices for body parts!
So how do I make these 10 quick and easy lunch ideas?
All 10 quick and easy lunch ideas are made with a simple cutter and an egg cup for smaller parts, or the edge of the cutter.
Like I say, if you don’t have any cutters, you can improvise. Try a glass or a mug. I am sure you have some in the cupboard of different sizes to make the different shapes.
We also tried with an egg cup to get smaller circles.
It is a lot of fun when you sit down to create! We love it!
So have some fun and maybe it’ll get your kids excited about food and the possibilities of what you can do!
1 owl sandwich
this is our favourite – a little bit of twit twoo going on!
We used a mix of chocolate buttons, brown smarties, orange smartied cut in two and some orange chocolate melts for the webbed feet.
We made feathers for the front and the two wings with the use of the edge of an egg cup.
2 cute little Easter chick sandwich
To create the big eyes, we used slices of banana, the beak was half an orange smartie, the webbed feet the chocolate melts we bought online in orange colour.
Two wings made out of banana slices.
3 ladybird sandwich
Oh how I love the lovely ladybug! We will make this again but for ease we wanted to limit the ingredients so you get to see what is possible.
The spots are made out of currants.
The line of red is a strawberry shoelace cut up.
4 teddy bear sandwich
Teddy bears in our house are always sleepy so this was a rather tired one, with chocolate smarties laid on top of giant chocolate buttons. Nose was a circle of bread cut from an egg cup. The nose was a raisin and we made a smily mouth with the chocolate icing pens you can get.
5 cheeky monkey sandwich
The kids weren’t convinced on this one, but I thought it looked like a cheeky monkey!
Again chocolate smarties on top of giant chocolate buttons.
Nose made out of cutting a disc with the egg cup but making it a little smaller, then two nostrils made from raisins, or currants – whatever you have to hand.
6 polar bear sandwich
7 giraffe sandwich
another example of a simple tweak to the ears to make it look more giraffe like. I need to do with the full body to get the full effect.
8 bumble bee sandwich
We love the Bee Movie and love to make up a bumble bee sandwich whenever possible. This is made up of a mix of brown and white bread. And then add in a couple of wings and an eye from a chocolate button and eyeball on top. Simple!
9 turkey sandwich
Another alternative idea on the chick theme. This one looked like a turkey chick idea with its feather’s mcgraw on its head, the giant chocolate buttons on chocolate smarties and the chocolate melts to finish the webbed feet and beak.
10 penguin sandwich
We have always loved a penguin and Pingu back in the day. More recently it’s Surfs Up and other inspiring feel good movies.
So to create this we did a similar theme to the chick but we tried two currants for eyes on top of the giant chocolate buttons. A couple of wings made out of bread circles or banana, if you wish. The orange webbed feet and the detail on the head are the finishing touches and they are good to go!
At Lunchbox World we are all about having FUN and putting the FUN back into packed lunches. And because we are in these tough times, it’s harder to think up the ideas to encourage the kids to eat. At Lunchbox World we have made it our mission to help you have FUN with lunch and food on the go. We are all about making lunch FUN!
So why not have a go, try these quick and easy lunch ideas for kids and let us know how you get on!
Do you want more lunch ideas? Then check out our recipe section and for more tips and hints, check the tips and hints section.
For advice on nutrition, then head to the nutrition section.
Feel free to comment in the section below and be sure to let us know if there are any lunch time issues you are struggling with. Remember we are here to help inspire and to help you.
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And remember, if you do try any of the recipe ideas on Lunchbox World, make sure you tag us @lunchboxworld and use the hashtag #lunchboxworld on instagram so we can see all your amazing creations!
Now a question to you – would you add any extra easy lunch ideas for kids to this list? What is your favourite lunch idea for kids?
The Lunchbox Lady x
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