Chuffed to bits we’d completed the small end of Lake Annecy, we still had friends asking us “why didn’t you just stay on the boat?” “I mean, or just take the bus?” “Why hike? And why hike in this heat? Are you crazy?”
But you know what, every time we look out at the view from Talloires, we know we’ve hiked around that section… and it’s such a proud feeling already… A little surreal perhaps but we are so proud we’ve even done just 13 km…
I just hug my knees as I sit on the picnic rug looking out at the view, and think to myself “we’ve hiked around that end of the lake!”
So with that under our belts, after a couple of days rest we headed out again for part 2, another 13.5km or so section, but earlier this time, to try and avoid the midday sun.
After a breakfast of fresh baguette, just purchased from the boulangerie in the village, topped with unsalted butter and strawberry jam, yes, it had to be Bonne Maman, and a fresh cafe au lait, we gathered our equipment together for part 2 of our family hike.
Hubbie got the cool bag together. This time we needed more water, more snacks, more ice packs.
We gave each of the kids their own water bottles, filled with ice water to spread the load and headed out from Talloires, this time heading into the town of Annecy, along the lakeside. My bag carried the light weight snacks, plasters for just in case and more sun tan lotion, should we need it.
We only got as far as the next village, Menthon St Bernard, maximum walking of an hour, before we were severely tempted by the wafting smell of freshly baked goodies that spilled out of the local bakery. We succumbed to a pain au chocolat or brioche and perched outside on a bench by the Church as we savoured every mouthful. Hubbie seemed a little irritated at the early stop, but soon succumbed to sitting down to eat his pain au raisin… (You can always get round him with one of those!)
Time was marching on, as the sun got higher and higher in the sky. We’d all applied loads of sun tan lotion so as not to burn. However with a determined look in our eye, we packed our bags, and went at our own steady pace, as a family. Not one of us even questioned why we were doing it, or kicked up a fuss. It was an unspoken agreement. We’d done one third, we’d do the rest.
So on we went from Menthon St Bernard, on the cycle path again towards Veyrier du Lac, a rather posh village, and beyond to le petit port, just at the top right hand corner of Lake Annecy. We’d reached the end where all the pedelos and little boats are available for hire.
We’d heard there was a bus back to Talloires, so that would be a cheaper option than taking the pleasure boat – perhaps a fifth of the cost, but we had no clue where the bus stop was, so the next 20 minutes were spent trudging around looking all over for the bus stop, which we then found just off set back from the lake, in a little village called Albigny.
At this point we just wanted to stop. It was already 1330hrs, so lunch was well overdue after all that exercise!
Once we’d established there was the option of a bus at 1415 or a long wait until 1715, we nipped into the closest tabac for a very welcome chilled drink as we waited for the final 20 minutes to pass before the bus came. We were at this point desperate to sit down and eat our lunch… but with little energy left to pull out the picnic, we hung on until we got back home to the apartment before having lunch.
The can of drink revitalised us a bit, and the chilled environment of the air conditioned bus was very welcome.
The bus journey back was a bit surreal too, as we drove along the route we’d just hiked and arrived promptly back in Talloires after what seemed like less than 10 minutes! We’d been hiking 3 hours or so and suddenly we were already back where we’d begun!
So now, we’ve covered 27 km in our new hiking boots, and they were quite happy attached to our legs that had become accustomed to just walking on, as we chatted to one another on what we saw as we hiked round the lake.
On reflection, the toughest part of this stretch of the lake is as you leave Talloires and head for Annecy. It’s a mighty uphill hike to les Granges first which at times felt like being nearly vertical as we trudged up the hill, with hearts pounding. Once you get into les Granges it seems to be relatively downhill all the way into Annecy.
So would you believe it! Two thirds under our belts and just the remaining third to go!
Our thanks have to go to Actimel who helped fund our hiking boots!
So what achievement have you accomplished recently?
If you want to read how we got on in the first section, read more here
Thanks for stopping by!
Why not follow us so you don’t miss the final instalment of the hike round lake Annecy?
The Lunchbox Lady x
ps don’t forget our sale is now on for back to school
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