Family Hike Lake Annecy – Final Part, Part Three The day of the final hike loomed. It had to be done. We could not delay it any more. We’d seen reports that bad weather (thunderstorms) was on the way and we didn’t want to get caught in that… Our friends still uttered disbelief that we…
Family Hike Lake Annecy Part 2
Family Hike Lake Annecy Part 2 Chuffed to bits we’d completed the small end of Lake Annecy, we still had friends asking us “why didn’t you just stay on the boat?” “I mean, or just take the bus?” “Why hike? And why hike in this heat? Are you crazy?” But you know what, every time…
Family Hike Lake Annecy Part 1
Family Hike Lake Annecy Part 1 We made it down here to Annecy, France in record time. The journey was pretty uneventful really, we left at 530am the day after the kids broke up from school, took the ferry across to Calais, then headed south on the motorways, stopping for drinks, baguette and a very…
The crazy week in May
Time has flown by but I still wanted to blog about the crazy week in May. This month has been a busy month for travelling, both for business and pleasure. Normally it is the husband that travels. This month was my turn!First the overnight work conference in Brighton, allowing me that all important time to…