We regularly review products here at Lunchbox World and today it’s the turn of nairn’s Oat Bakes Review. And do you know what? We think nairn’s are on to something with their oat bakes and oat cakes full of oaty goodness that take the guilt out of snacking…
If you are regular readers of Lunchbox World, you will know we are always on the look out for new healthier options for putting in your lunchbox. We have been told that snacking is ok. It just depends on which snacks you choose. Ideally, snacks should also provide nutrients such as fibre, vitamins and minerals.
According to Fiona Hunter, Nutritionist and Dietician, a snack should ideally provide no more than 5% of your Guideline Daily Amount for calories, sugar, fat, or salt and at least 5% of your GDA for fibre.
For a woman, this works out at:
100 kcal, 4.5g sugar, 3.5g fat, 1g sat fat, 0.3g salt, 1.2g fibre
nairn’s Oat Bakes Review
With this in mind, the review team at Lunchbox World tested out the Oat Bakes to see if they qualify as a healthy snack. They come in a handy 30g bag, just right for popping in your lunchbox and at the time of review, are available in 3 flavours: cheese, mediterranean tomato and herb and sweet chilli.
Here is how they did:
Sweet Chilli – 30g pack
129 kcal, 1.7g sugar, 4g fat, 0.4g sat fat, 0.2g salt, 2.2g fibre
Mediterranean tomato and herb – 30g pack
126 kCal, 1.7g sugar, 4.1g fat, 0.4g sat fat, 0.3g salt, 2.0g fibre
What’s good:
Come in a handy portion-controlled size bag, easy for snacking. Easy for popping in your hand bag or school bag when out and about.
What’s not so good:
Limited by flavour choice. Let’s hope they expand on the range. Our favourite was the mediterranean tomato and herb.
Have you seen any new snacks you think we should have reviewed by now? If yes, then do get in touch with us!
The Lunchbox Lady x
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