Day 11 of the NaBloPoMo, National Blog Posting Month, (where you blog every day for the month) and yes, it’s a challenge, and yes, we are still hanging on in there *coughs* well, just about.
Now desperately trying to plan the whole month, so we can bring to you lots of well, er… stuff…
Now desperately trying to plan the whole month, so we can bring to you lots of well, er… stuff…
So today it’s Sagaform, now we decided to play a little game and come up with all the “S” words to describe it, in case you’ve not yet discovered this amazing brand…
And following on from yesterday when we talked about breakfast, here we can focus on those times when you’re well, just on the go … and need a cuppa …
Another pretty picture to tempt you with…
Sagaform is:
Scandinavian Chic
Swedish Design
Stylishly Simple
Solid Quality
now Stocked by Lunchbox World
Silicone lids on the thermal mugs to stop liquids spilling
Stainless Steel bottles preventing smells lingering
Striking Designs
Surely a Perfect Gift this Season?
Comes in its own gift box too…
Why not share the love, I mean link and
Send to Your Friends!
So what would you say?
The Lunchbox World Team x
To find out more, just click here
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