And a bit of that…
Now before we go any further, I just have to say, it’s taken weeks to achieve this jump! So this was a proud moment for Spike and I managed to capture it before he whizzed past, out of camera range!
And then we found this, absolutely great for older kids, which amused them for hours…
And of course, we couldn’t have survived without a bit of R and R on Club Penguin… For those moments when I just had to get some work done!
Sounds idyllic? Well, we had our moments, doesn’t everyone, but these are the highlights!
And it’s best to remember the good times and cherish the good memories, the bad bits just fade in time…
Maybe I am too forgiving, but I mean, we still have to live together, until they are old enough to leave home that is. And they will leave home – won’t they? At some stage?
So for now, we try and make the best of things and enjoy each day as it comes. Yes, we had a stack of homework to shoe horn into each day to get it all done, and my! do they seem to get a lot these days, when there are three of them, but it all gets done in the end… eventually…!
So what did you get up to? What were your highlights?
The Lunchbox World Team x
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