If you love bananas, you’ll love these! We literally are going bananas over them at Lunchbox World! You put a fresh banana in, you get a fresh banana out! No trauma! No bruises!
Banana Guard Review
We love bananas. We love them when they are just perfect, blemish-free but hate them when they are bruised, brown and go soft.
So how can we put them in the lunch box, and have them still looking good at lunchtime?
– Put them in an Original Banana Guard, that’s what!
Designed to accomodate the largest of bananas (and we have not yet found a banana that does not fit), these ingenious FDA approved plastic cases allow air to circulate, and protect your banana, preventing it from being bashed by noon!
These sell for under £6 RRP, but you can often find them on special on Amazon, you just have to keep your eyes out! Not a huge investment, in our opinion, for keeping your bananas perfect!
What’s good:
keep your bananas in tip top condition, absolutely no bruising or blemishing as they get knocked about in the school bag
So that’s it for our banana guard review. If you want to see where stocks them, we’ve checked out Amazon Banana Guard. Have you any tips and tricks for making lunch boxes stay looking good at lunch time?
If you want to incorporate bananas into lunch box ideas, do check out our recipe section.
Thanks for reading.
The Lunchbox Lady x
Disclaimer: this post does contain affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you then purchase an item. We only recommend the products that we have tried and tested ourselves. We did stock these in the Lunchbox World shop.
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