If you’re following the blog Sticky Fingers and the Gallery, you’ll know the theme this time round is “Tomorrow”.
This is just our second time with the Gallery, so we’re still really newbies at it!
So tomorrow, what’s our spin on it? Lunchbox World Tomorrow is our chosen interpretation.
Tomorrow is so full of hope
Tomorrow is a day away
But does tomorrow ever come?
If you live in Southern Europe, you’ll always hear “manana” meaning tomorrow, we’ll do that tomorrow, don’t worry today, leave that for tomorrow.
This is all ok if you’ve got the sun, you’re laid back and you’ve got the time to just chill, relax, take some R and R.
But, we’re in Northern Europe and although I lived in Athens for a while, and some of it did rub off on me, more and more, I want things that can be done today, done today, and not left until tomorrow. Tomorrow there’s always loads more stuff to be done!
I also have found, if you think “Oh it’ll be there tomorrow” Often it is not.
This could apply to anything, whether it is something of beauty, nature, like a row of seagulls – will it still be there tomorrow, in exactly the same way, or is this a one off occasion? So I try not to put off today something that might not even be there tomorrow.
So, as I continue to read a variety of positive thinking books, I’m trying to bring tomorrow closer every day, bite by bite, so that one day it really will be tomorrow!
I’ve hopes and dreams for the brood, what mother hasn’t. I wonder what they will become. Will they be tomorrow’s next best scientist, tomorrow’s top negotiator, tomorrow’s athlete? Who knows?
I am so intrigued as to what they will become, and try to pave the way, give them guidance so they make the most of what they can be, but above all they must be happy in themselves and in whatever they choose to do.
The older you get, the more you realise you cannot really force kids to do anything. Once they are out of the home for hours on end, you can just hope you’ve given them enough guidance so they know and then do the right thing, like eat the contents of their lunch box! Always top of my list, I’m afraid, being the Lunchbox Lady!
So what are my hopes and dreams for Lunchbox World tomorrow?
Yep, the real Lunchbox Towers! The Lunchbox Empire. HQ, European HQ I might add…
And with this view…
To see the others in the Gallery, hop on over to Sticky Fingers…
Let me know your thoughts, as I love to hear your comments!
I could have gone on and put loads more images, but I think it’s supposed to be just one, and it had to be one that one of the team had taken..
Thanks for stopping by!
The Lunchbox World Team x
beautiful pics!
I always break the rules and post more than one picture….
Thanks Northernmum! I'll hop over and have a nose at yours and the others!