Magpies Illustration by Jenny Robins |
I’m sure you’ve all made your resolutions already.
Every year the plan is to do everything better, be more organised, slicker, quicker, healthier, fitter, more confident, more self-assured, more knowledgeable, just better at everything – you get the picture. All those superlatives, and yeap, I want one of each of them in the list… I mean, the older you get, you just assume you’ll get better and more accomplished at everything.
This year, however, I’m being more realistic. I mean, life is just getting busier and busier, so let’s just focus on the key things and get those right, rather than a whole host… and then perhaps not even scratch the surface…
The key one: Focus
To focus on the important things, those things that’ll make the difference. Hopefully some will be the easy wins, that have a huge impact, but then at other times, maybe there’ll be tough ones to do, but once done, and yes, they’ll be harder to crack, the satisfaction will be huge.
The second one: Consolidate
To consolidate, do fewer things, but do those key things really well for maximum effect.
To consolidate materialistically too, have fewer things, off-load. The aim of hanging onto the things we cherish, and we love, that give us pleasure, but off-load those things that just make you feel tied down and weary, giving you that feeling of paralysis and constant fatigue.
This is always one on my list. Planning is the best way forward. Without a plan, yes, you can be open to more opportunities, but you could end up getting so distracted, you go totally off course. There has to be an element of a plan in there too: Is this what you want to be doing. Where do you want to be going. What’s going to make you happy, fulfilled, satisfied. I’ve always had this belief that you can get so much more done if you’re organised.
If you get the key things timetabled in to your schedule, I’ve found you can get so much more done too.
Now the kids are back at school, with early morning wake-up, and with the New Year still lingering in the air, there’s lots of new found optimism, so the plan is to get lots ticked off each and every day! Yes, I’ve raised the bar again, but well, it just has to… So there’ll be lots more blogging, lots more tips and hints, lots more lunch box ideas, wider range of lunch boxes, picnic gear, flasks, and everything to make eating on the go that easy in 2012! Both here and over on the Lunchbox World website, and keep an eye on the online shop too…
Plus, to top everything today, I saw not just 6 magpies all in one tree, all squawking loudly, flapping about, but a good dozen of them, so that’s got to be a huge sign…
So what are your plans for 2012?
The Lunchbox World Team x
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