Just before Christmas we were invited to the Chiltern Open Air Museum for a family day of fun. I was keen for the children to appreciate and experience how the locals in bygone years had celebrated Christmas. In some ways the modern world is becoming way too materialistic and I was keen for the children…
Top Tips for EPIC Family Fun : Thorpe Park on Review
Top Tips for EPIC Family Fun at Thorpe Park When I mentioned to a couple of fellow mums that we were heading off to Thorpe Park at the weekend, they all responded in a similar way – sucking in their breath, with raised eyebrows, as if to say “rather you than me my dear… ” That little…
Britain’s Best Days Out for the Family – Woburn Safari Park
Although out of season, we headed off to Woburn Safari Park a few years back, (and from all accounts the experience is still the same – my sister went there a couple of weeks ago in April 2021). Now back when we went, Woburn Safari Park was voted as being one of “Britain’s Best Days…