This time, the BMB carnival topic is “Imperfect Parenting”, very kindly being hosted by Mummy From the Heart. Here are our anecdotes. Hope you enjoy them!
King Julien was at tennis camp, along with Tuna and Spike. It was half-term.
The sun was shining – it shone all week.
Life was good, or so I thought…
It was my only time for work that week – shoe-horning a full day into just 2 hours each morning, during tennis camp was tough. Not sure if anyone can do it, but I did try – the focus, the discipline, aggression, the to-do list, endless cups of coffee. I tried it all. I conclude, it’s just not possible! Some things have to give… (otherwise what is the point in having kids…) It benefitted the brood too, they would get out, into the fresh air, and get away from Lunchbox Towers for a few hours.
It was Day 1 of tennis camp, so I was not quite in the groove yet.
Damn is that the time already.
Quickly save the work, confirm those orders, leave the computer, slam the door, wild hair, car into reverse, race down the drive, back to the tennis club.
Whizz into car park, over the speed bumps. Park up hurriedly.
Brood sitting on benches, feet swinging, heads down, patiently waiting, the last to be collected.
Oh dear! Where is everyone?
King Julien jumped up and announced with one foot in the air, “Hello! Mr Big Toe!”
I was horrified and frantically looked left and right to see who else was observing this scene.
His big toe was sticking right out the base of his trainer for the whole world to see – including the tennis coach.
I smiled lamely, bundled the kids in the car, thanked the coaches profusely and sped off to the nearest sports shop to purchase a new pair.
How could I not notice?
Sometimes I must appear to the brood as being totally blind. I am so observant, or at least, I used to be…
Was that before kids or before Lunchbox World? I wonder.
There must have been signs? A hole just does not appear? Or does it when you have boys?
Does this make me a bad parent? It’s definitely a severe case of imperfect parenting to be sure.
However, my saving grace, as always is in the provision of lunch boxes for the brood whilst at tennis camp. Being the lunch box lady I do have standards I have to uphold, I mean, can you imagine, if the press ever heard of the lunch box lady providing sub-standard lunches for her brood? Well it just wouldn’t do…
I will try harder to notice these subtleties before they become giant holes and it will get easier as Lunchbox World grows! Work / life balance will prevail. It just may not always appear like that!
Thanks for stopping by and we will put in the links to the carnival so you can hop over to all the other posts.
Have fun!
The Lunchbox World Team x
I am chuckling away, that takes some doing to get your toe to peep right thought the sole you know!
Mich x
I know, I was totally mortified! How could I have missed it! I mean it was obvious, and apparently that day he hobbled around the tennis court! He'd obviously been picking at it, in the hope of getting new ones x