I can’t believe how this year is flying by. We are now in May already. Some people say time flies by the older you get. I don’t feel so old and when I was asked at bedtime tonight my age, I replied “I am 21 again.” King Julien retorted, “Wow! Mummy, you’re really young! Daddy is old, he’s 49!”
Thus a smile was brought to my face at bedtime…
So to the ocarina update.
Letters were sent out this week and the interest in King Julien’s year group was assessed. They needed 8 children to make it worthwhile. Today was the day he would start the club! – Friday lunchtime.
Being the last Friday in the month, or thereabouts… it was also hot dog lunch. I had totally forgotten to send in the letter and money to cover this monthly activity. It has just been such a busy week. So whilst waiting for the bell to ring and the whistle to blow, I was getting frequent kicks in the playground from King Julien for failing to sign him up for his beloved hot dog lunch. Even though I was walking round trying to establish who I should talk to, or rather throw money at. That did not matter, nor the fact that I had prepared a wonderful lunchbox, and a healthy one too! Unable to resolve this before school, he took in his lunchbox just in case, and I stuck my crossed fingers behind my back hoping all would be well at lunchtime.
Late as usual, hurrying up the hill to collect him after school, always in the opposite direction to the masses that had already collected their offspring, I ran into the Ocarina Teacher. She mentioned how pleased she was with King Julien’s progress at lunchtime. Only at this point did I realise the ocarina should have been taken to school that morning!
Relief was all I could feel in response to her praise. I had mentioned at the start of term how much he liked the ocarina, that he could already play a few tunes and even wrote the note saying how keen he was to join!
You can imagine my distress and embarassment if she had actually turned around and told me he could not play a note and had refused to play. I would have wanted the ground to swallow me up there and then! Luckily she was only full of praise, so I smiled inwardly, glanced at my watch, wished her a great weekend, and ran down the hill with King Julien running behind to collect the other two.
Again fighting against the big wave of mothers and offspring leaving the playground through the school gates, I ran to find mine.
Why is it that only one set of gates are ever open and we squeeze in and out of these? Why does no-one ever open them fully?
Anway, I frantically waved, trying to attract their attention and returned home with the brood to enjoy the rest of what has been a gloriously sunny day.
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