Mr Whippy had gone for a run thank goodness! and breakfast / the lunchbox rush was coming to an end. Activity was moving to the hall – getting closer to the time of departure. Gathering up our belongings, you can almost hear me say it: “Shoes on, coats on, come on! Grab your bags and lunchboxes, out the door! Into the car and off to school! Let’s go!”
Today was orchestra for Tuna, oops nearly forgot! Not sure if the new noticeboard is working?
Tuna made a quick dash upstairs for the flute. Looked out the window to see what the weather was doing as she still did not have her tights on – tights or socks? Tights, not that warm.
Who was waddling around the garden but duck and drake. Obviously just flown in on an early morning excursion away from the local duck pond for a change of scenery!
“Quick Mummy! Look out the window! We’ve got ducks!”
Out with the camera, snap, snap, and here they are…. Duck and Drake.
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