If you are a member of BritMums you will know that a while back they chose the theme “What Does Your Handbag say about you?” They encouraged folk to post up photos of the contents of their hand bag.
Well, as you can see, mine normally is like this, bulging at the seams, barely able to do the zip up. It normally contains:
* the blackberry keeping me connected ( although at times reception is sooo patchy, I miss a chunk of data, so am not as connected as I would like). This explains why sometimes tweets are replied to a day later … oops!
* keys on red key fob ( I never lose them you see, I just fumble for the red leather fob and pull…),
* the sunglass case to keep my sunglasses in perfect condition, (yes, I admit it’s big and bulky, but does the job of keeping them safe, scratch-free! Yes I am precious about my sunglasses, I admit it)
* Camera case ( that I just LOVE) obviously with my charged-up, ready-to-snap-away- at-any-moment camera – you just never know when that perfect shot, that perfect moment will present itself…
* Dictionary (it can come in handy, you just never know…)
* And Loads and loads of receipts… (OK I need to address this affliction…)
Anyway, I digress, the point I am trying to get to is that I don’t really see my handbag as being representative of me and what I am like… My best friends might disagree with me here, and if you are reading this, please keep quiet a moment…
So, my question is, what does your dishwasher say about you?
I have friends that are really really neat and tidy when it comes to their dishwasher, rinsing every thing off first, practically washing it before loading it in the dishwasher, then they use kitchen towels and I mean paper kitchen towels to then polish everything up when it comes out, so it literally winks at you, as you put it away…
Then I have other friends that literally sling it in, where it lands, that’s where it stays, slam the door shut, willy nilly, doesn’t really matter, then once the cycle has finished chuck everything in the cupboard, kick the door shut with their foot, and well, job done.
So I feel my dishwasher is much more reflective of me and how I present myself to the world than my handbag…
So how do you stack your dishwasher, and what does it say about you?
This is a snapshot of mine – the cycle finished and already to be put away…
You see, everything in its place. We have rules you see, glasses, mugs, cups ONLY go top deck. They never EVER go below. Pans as a rule ONLY go below, in the bottom drawer, and everything is well, pretty neat and organised…
So what does this say about you? Are you a chuck-it-all-in-and-hope-it-comes-out-clean-kind-of-a-person or do you have all these unspoken rules like me, and prefer it all to be in its rightful place?
The Lunchbox World Team x
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