It was a “Lean on Turkey” Lunch with Marco Pierre White, Celebrity chef, and I was invited to savour some delicious turkey dishes, all cooked up in Marco Pierre White’s kitchens.
Was it a dream?
Was it really an invite?
I went up to London
Anticipation was mounting
As the taxi was waiting to whisk me away
to Wheeler’s of St James, the smart chic restaurant
where I would have lunch with Marco Pierre White.
Was I perhaps too keen?
Turning up terribly early
Sipping on a coffee as the moments ticked by?
Then slowly but surely
several foodie bloggers arrived
All to have lunch sitting by my side.
We dined in the private room
sampling turkey prepared dishes
And all the time being questioned by
Marco Pierre White sat by my side
his fingers fiddling with that sharp knife
as I had lunch with Marco Pierre White.
It was most surreal
That fine lunch time dinner
Tap tap went his knife on the table
As I ate lunch with Marco Pierre White
It was over too soon, and home I returned
Did I really have lunch with Marco Pierre White?
To find out more, hop over to the lean on turkey website
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